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Showing posts from November, 2022

Model of teaching using mobile phone.

Introduction The world of digital computing has gone through rapid growth since its inception. It was just 2 centuries ago in 1822 when the first mechanical computer was in function, thanks to Charles Babbage also known as the father of the modern computer. From there, the digital world never looked back coming from a giant computing unit to a hand-held device that later evolved itself to a smart mobile device. The growth is exponential whether talking about the physical size or the computing capacity. Now, engineers are working diligently to bring AI into real practice which may surpass every expectation. Evolution of mobile device A mobile device in this case also known as the smartphone has been a go-to source for being updated whether the latest news, navigating through places, conducting transactions, getting information, or just being active on social media. The smartphone is turning to be an integral part of a normal person to be a citizen of this 21st-century world. Smart